The Maine Ham Radio Society will be organizing a Ham Radio Story Hour to be held this winter in association with the Milbridge Public Library. Phil Duggan, N1EP, will meet with the librarian this coming week to work out the details. The idea was borrowed from a California ham who did something similar to introduce young children to ham radio. A ham will ready a children's story over the air on 2-meter simplex while children in the library listen to it on another ham radio, and follow along with another copy of the book. Afterwards they will have a chance to talk on the radio, and join in a fun activity. This is just the inital phase. The club hopes to expand this effort into other libraries, and in schools. Even though this initaila group of kids is quite young and may not get a ham licence anytime soon, it most likely is their first view of ham radio, and you never know, it may spark an interest as the child grows.